Animal welfare
A company committed to animal welfare
The quality of our meat is of major importance to us. That's why we are committed to ensuring the comfort and needs of our animals every day, from the field to the transport to our premises.
As guarantors of good practice, the Animal Protection Managers and Operators make it their duty to control all the stages of the process in contact with the animals, to guarantee respect for the animal's well-being, without pain or stress, in order to produce quality meat.
Strong commitments
Breeders who share the same values
For many years, we have worked closely with breeders whom we choose carefully. Indeed, it is essential that they are in agreement with our state of mind and respect our "BEA Commitment" specifications.
This commitment is the sine qua non requirement for the referral of our suppliers.
Active participation in the CSR process
We are actively participating in the collective social responsibility approach undertaken by the Livestock and Meat sector via its interprofessional association INTERBEV. We have therefore implemented a global policy based on the "Acting for the well-being, protection and health of animals" section of the Social Pact.
As such, we are audited annually by third parties (Slaughter Federation and Farm Animal Association) on our animal protection policy and we carry out a census of suppliers participating in the BoviWell programme and/or having carried out an animal protection diagnosis.
A recognised standard
Our global policy is based on a definition of animal welfare built on three undeniable references:
- The Farm Animal Welfare Council& « concept of the 5 FREEDOMS ( » ((freedom from hunger or thirst; freedom from discomfort; freedom from pain, injury or disease; freedom to express normal behaviour; freedom from fear or distress).
- The principles set out by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
- A continuous improvement approach in the spirit of the "ISO standard".
Extensive grazing livestock
As opposed to intensive farms (e.g. Anglo-Saxon "FeedLot"), all the farms we work with are based on extensive models that promote animal welfare. The suckler farms are composed of 60 cows on average with an average surface area of one hectare per bovine, which allows the animals to be put out to pasture for a natural grass diet throughout the year, provided that the weather conditions allow it.
Short circuits
85% of the animals we receive come from within a radius of 180 km of our premises. This approach allows us to ensure a significant reduction in the stress level of the animals we receive thanks to shorter transport times than the thresholds set by the regulations. It also shows our attachment to the region as well as our desire to work in short circuits, both for animal welfare reasons and because of the human relations with the breeders.
All animal transport from the farms is carried out by authorised professionals who respect the regulations and are trained in animal handling and care.
Strictly regulated procedures
From the reception of the animals to the slaughter, procedures validated by the State services govern the entire procedure. Each of our employees in contact with animals is trained in animal protection rules.
In addition, we design our facilities to reduce the stress of the animals from their reception to the barn as much as possible by providing them with sanitary conditions adapted to their normal behaviour (space, cleanliness, calm, ventilation, hydrometry, temperature, watering).